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The theme of the symposium was The Fortified Viking Age. Ever since the days of Saxo and the story of Thyra Dannebod as the builder of the Dannewerk, fortification has been seen as an integrated historical narrative when we describe the centuries of the Viking age. Nowadays, we are not only addressing large externally oriented structures when we research Viking Age fortifications, but also internal structures which are likely to belong in local contexts. Besides regular fortresses and large farms, the fortified facilities include strategic structures oriented towards transport corridors both on land and at sea.
Research has long been focussing on the eventful decades of Harald Bluetooth’s reign in the late 900s. However, new studies dealing with the basic settlement development in Viking Age society, as well as (new) studies in a number of specific structures, have provided a new data basis for looking at the genealogy and context of the fortified Viking Age in a broader perspective. This symposium invited presentations which explore these and other themes in Viking Age research. The theme encompasses all periods, genres and disciplines.